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The World in 2022

January 06, 2022
IGCC Experts


The world continues to be rocked by multiple, overlapping crises—environmental disasters, the COVID-19 pandemic, strident nationalism, nuclear brinkmanship, and an eroding liberal order that threatens democracy everywhere. As 2022 begins, IGCC experts from across the University of California share their candid—and at times sobering—reflections on the most important global trends to watch in 2022.

Eli Berman on Disinformation

Joshua Graff Zivin on Climate Change

Emilie Hafner-Burton on the Future of Democracy

Courtenay Monroe on State Repression

Christina Cottiero on the Rise of Authoritarianism

Peter Cowhey on Technology

Raphael Frankfurter on COVID-19 and Scientific Uncertainty

Stephan Haggard on the Threat to Democracy in the United States

Esteban Klor on Economic and Financial Collapse in the Middle East

David Lake on the U.S.-China Relationship

Aila Matanock on International Involvement

Jeannette Money on Migration

T.J. Pempel on Threats to U.S. Democracy

Sevin Gulfer Sagnic on the Weaponization of Migration

Etel Solingen on Risks to Global Supply Chains

Frank Wyer on Proxy Wars Between the U.S. and China

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