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China's Industrial Policy
Rise of Illiberal Regimes
Nuclear Security
Science & Technology

Other Grants

IGCC is dedicated to supporting the research and policy engagement of faculty and students across the University of California. Most of our funding is awarded in recurring cycles, however, we do in exceptional cases award grants on an ad hoc basis for special projects across the UC system. For this, we accept proposals throughout the year. See the guidelines below.


We accept proposals on a wide variety of topics and encourage submissions from experts across varying disciplines. Proposals should reflect new thinking, cross-campus collaboration, a desire to influence decision-makers, and student engagement.

Specific eligibility criteria:

  • Proposed project must involve a minimum of three UC campuses.
  • The theme of the proposed project must align with IGCC’s mission to address global challenges that have the potential to lead to wide-scale conflict and which can benefit from global cooperation to solve, and should be relevant to an IGCC core research theme (more on this below).
  • Only full-time ladder rank and LPSOE/LSOE UC faculty members are eligible to apply.
  • Open to all academic disciplines but priority is given to social scientists.
  • Proposals will be evaluated on their quality and on their relevance to IGCC’s mission to use rigorous research, training, and engagement to improve policies and practices in ways that help reduce conflict and improve global cooperation.
  • Proposals should not exceed $10,000.

Submission Process

Submit a letter of inquiry to Letters of inquiry are accepted on a rolling basis; there are no deadlines. Applicants will be notified via email if their letter of inquiry is declined, or if they have been invited to submit a full proposal. This process usually takes one to two weeks.

Core Themes

Future of Democracy

Democracy is under attack at the local, national, and international levels. In this category, we will accept proposals on: challenges to democratic representation; challenges to elections; inclusive democracy; technology and democracy; the rise of authoritarian states; state repression; protest movements; and human rights.

Geoeconomics, Innovation, and National Security

The economic dimensions of geostrategic and geopolitical cooperation and competition are becoming increasingly important. Proposals will be accepted on: the economic sources of national security; security dimensions of industrial policy and trade relations; economic statecraft; economic instruments promoting national interests; the effects of economic actions by other entities on a country’s geopolitical goals; and the use of economic instruments to produce beneficial geopolitical results.

Indo-Pacific and the Rise of China

Issues emanating from the Indo-Pacific region—including the implications of North Korea’s nuclear program, shifts in global supply chains, and China’s rise as a great power—have implications for global security. Proposals will be accepted on: the implications of China’s rise and shifting geopolitical dynamics in Asia for the economic competitiveness and national security of the United States and the rest of the world.

International Security

The international security landscape is rapidly changing. Old definitions of what international security means, and what role states play, are evolving, while challenges proliferate beyond traditional domains. We will accept proposals on a diverse range of traditional, as well as emerging, international security issues.

Regional and Major Power Relations and Institutions

Despite the emergence of new threats from non-state actors, the risk of interstate conflict remains substantial. Topics in this category may include: building multilateral institutions; role of rising powers; public versus public/private partnerships in governance; regional threat environment’s influence on nuclear proliferation; why some ethnic and religious conflicts become international wars; great power competition; and the rise of China.

Global Health Threats and Cooperation

Global pandemics have consequences for economies and for security, as well as for the well being of billions of people. Topics in this category may include: emerging transnational health threats; incentives, policies, and technologies that foster international agreements on health protection as well as strategies to adapt to emerging global threats; security implications of global health threats.