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Marika Miner

Dissertation Fellow
UC Davis

Marika Miner is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Political Science at UC Davis. The primary puzzle that motivates her dissertation is how states use and target different repression strategies to maintain political power. More specifically, she is interested in the interaction between traditional and digital repression, how, where, and why subtler forms of repression are deployed, and the consequences of different repressive strategies. In her dissertation, she employs cross-national and country-specific approachesĀ to answering these questions, generating broad insights into repressive trends and a more nuanced understandingĀ of how context shapes repressive repertoires and their impact on domestic dissent.

Proposal Title: State Repression in the Digital Age: How Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Has Shaped the Dynamics of Protest and Repression

Expertise & Interests

  • Repression
  • Protest
  • Digital technology
  • Comparative politics