Matto Mildenberger
Assistant Professor of Political Science
UC Santa Barbara
Matto Mildenberger is an assistant professor of political science at UC Santa Barbara. His research explores the political drivers of policy inaction in the face of serious social and economic threats posed by global climate change. Straddling comparative political economy and political behavior, Mildenberger’s work focuses on comparative climate policymaking and the dynamics of US climate opinion.
Matto’s work has been published in the American Political Science Review, British Journal of Political Science, Nature Climate Change, Political Science Research Methods, Nature Energy, and elsewhere. His second book, Carbon Captured: How Labor and Business Control Climate Politics, is available from MIT Press. At UC Santa Barbara, Matto directs The 2035 Initiative, a cutting-edge “think-and-do” tank that brings together world-leading environmental policy research labs to develop actionable roadmaps for slashing climate pollution and ushering in a more equitable, resilient future.

Expertise & Interests
- Comparative politics
- Environmental politics
- Climate policymaking
- Public opinion