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Geoeconomics and Innovation in India’s Strategic Competition with China

April 19, 2023
Laxman Kumar Behera

Working Paper
Securing India: Significance of Geoeconomics and Innovation in India’s Foreign Policy and Strategic Competition with China

In this working paper, Laxman Kumar Behera analyzes the strategic competition between India and China, and India’s multipronged strategy that includes an emphasis on military modernization and close partnerships with democracies, including the United States.


This working paper by Laxman Kumar Behera, an associate professor at Jawaharlal Nehru University, examines the relationship between national security, India-China strategic rivalry, geoeconomics, and innovation. It first looks at India’s immediate and long-term security threats and the nature and intensity of strategic competition with China. It then examines the influence of national security threats from and strategic rivalry with Beijing on India’s economic statecraft and innovation strategies. The article argues that India’s actual and perceived security threats from China and its strategic competition with Beijing is increasingly shaping its geoeconomic and innovation strategies. It also argues that India’s inadequate geoeconomic endowments and innovation setup in comparison to China are a major obstacle to providing an effective response to Chinese belligerence.

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