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Public Policy and Nuclear Threats Boot Camp

July 9-21, 2023
La Jolla, CA
UC San Diego

The Public Policy and Nuclear Threats Boot Camp at UC San Diego, known as the PPNT Boot Camp, aims to give participants the knowledge and analytic tools they need to contribute to the debate on future U.S. nuclear policy. The Boot Camp is open to all graduate-level students, post-docs, and professionals, and features lectures, discussions, debates, and policy simulations. Participants attend talks by distinguished researchers, academics, policy officials, and operational specialists from leading universities, the National Laboratories, international organizations, and government agencies dealing with nuclear threats, command and control, international safeguards, nonproliferation strategies, and other nuclear issues.

The 2023 PPNT Boot Camp will be hosted by IGCC at UC San Diego from July 9–21. Applications are now closed.

PPNT is sponsored by the Department of Energy and Stanton Foundation. Please contact Olivia Chioffi ( with any questions.