Chinese Innovation and Industrial Policy and the Global Response
February 20-21, 2025
La Jolla, CA
UC San Diego
*This is a closed, invitation-only event
This two-day academic conference will bring together policy experts and technical and industry experts to discuss crucial areas of Chinese industrial policy, focusing on two key areas: Chinese industrial policy and its domestic effects, and how these impacts extend globally, with an emphasis on developing and emerging economies.
The workshop is part of IGCC’s research program on the Chinese science, technology, innovation, and industrial policy system, which synthesizes new and existing information on Chinese initiatives, policies, players, and programs, and provides an integrated and coherent view of China’s innovation and industrial policy efforts as a whole. The conference will be hosted by IGCC director and program co-director Tai Ming Cheung, and Barry Naughton, program co-director and Sokwanlok Chair of Chinese International Affairs at the School of Global Policy and Strategy.
Questions? Please contact IGCC’s Assistant Director of Research and event coordinator Yujing Yang at